I'm about half way through Blue Remembered Earth and about half way through writing a blog post about it and I'm frustrated. I tend to be hyper-critical of my own writing and at the same time I'm a regular reader of blogs with really brilliant reviewers like Alex Pierce from Galactic Suburbia and the tor.com crowd and it's really hard to measure up. So I'm not really going to try.
I'm just going to get really subjective. Quite frankly, I'm not an English major, I'm an IT guy. What I'm going to do here is to try and explain why I'm reading the book, lay out my preconceptions and then give an opinion. I'll try and give an informed opinion, but bear in mind where I'm coming from.
This one introduces Peter Grant, a police constable who asks a few too many fanciful questions for his own good (and not enough smart ones) and winds up as an apprentice to the last wizard in England. A good thing too, because over the next few books London really needs more help in the magic department. This book and its sequels are action-packed, fun but never losing sight of the serious consequences when things go wrong. I found the denouement of the first book is particularly shocking.
So that's where I'm coming from.
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